
Oh hey there….

Thanks for stopping by my page! I hope you’re able to find out a little about me, but I would love to hear from you! Head on over to Contact and drop me a line!! In the meantime and in between time, have a listen to some of the mixes I’ve made over the years. There are a few below or you can check them all out on my MixCloud page.

Just a quick mix for anyone who may be considering me as the DJ for their wedding or event. I tried to keep it short but used several genres/decades of music that would be sure to entertain any crowd!!  *please note: I tailor the music I play for every event to the couple/client’s desires. This mix is just an example of the type of music typically played at a reception*

Mother Funker is a mix full of funk, soul, Motown, and G Funk tracks spanning a few decades. Hopefully you find it as enjoyable as a night out on the deck, and as crispy as a new pair of Nike Monarchs!

Yacht Rap is a “passion project” of mine stemming from my love of hip hop (especially sample-based) and Yacht Rock, soft rock from the 70s-80s. In here you’ll find some remixes, mashups, soft rock originals, hip hop samples, and all that good stuff. 

Just a recording from a night at my former residency…

A little V-Day mix full of R&B throwbacks, hip hop, old school samples, and some current pop that’ll maybe get you feeling a certain way. *Note: DJ iLL is not responsible for any children born 9 months from listening*